The FindStat project was initiated by Chris Berg and Christian Stump in 2011. It is currently maintained by Martin Rubey and Christian Stump. Currently, the main code contributor is Tilman Möller.

Growth chart of the statistics database
The following 102 people contributed to the statistics and/or maps database:
  • Per Alexandersson (contributed to 29 statistics and 2 maps)
  • Jon Allen (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Stephen Anderson (contributed to 6 statistics)
  • Arvind Ayyer (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Jose Bastidas (contributed to 3 statistics)
  • Matthias Beck (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Chris Berg (contributed to 92 statistics)
  • Joseph Bernstein (contributed to 9 statistics)
  • Sara Billey (contributed to 11 statistics)
  • Patrick Bjerke (contributed to 4 statistics)
  • Michael Breunig (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Angela Carnevale (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Frédéric Chapoton (contributed to 1 map)
  • Joseph Ching (contributed to 5 statistics)
  • Sam Clearman (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Daniel Cullina (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Bryan D'Amico (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Tom Denton (contributed to 3 statistics)
  • Hiranya Kishore Dey (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Anton Dochtermann (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Matthew Donahue (contributed to 7 statistics)
  • Will Dowling (contributed to 7 statistics and 1 map)
  • Jennifer Elder (contributed to 3 statistics)
  • Sergi Elizalde (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Alexander Engström (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Wenjie Fang (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Matt Fayers (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Susanna Fishel (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Christian Gaetz (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Marvin Gandhi (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Mike Gaudette (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Jan Geuenich (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Zachary Hamaker (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Joanna Heppner (contributed to 4 statistics)
  • Dylan Heuer (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Florent Hivert (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Lennard Hofmann (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Elena Hoster (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Dakota Ihli (contributed to 5 statistics)
  • Dennis Jahn (contributed to 12 statistics)
  • Peter Kagey (contributed to 3 statistics)
  • Cole Kainz (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Wilberd van der Kallen (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Lahiru Kariyawasam (contributed to 5 statistics)
  • Frether Getachew Kebede (contributed to 1 map)
  • Colton Keller (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Jang Soo Kim (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Michael Kleinsasser (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Masato Kobayashi (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Christian Krattenthaler (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Nadia Lafreniere (contributed to 13 statistics and 18 maps)
  • Austin Lambert (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Danny Luecke (contributed to 5 statistics)
  • Peter Luschny (contributed to 3 statistics)
  • Olivier Mallet (contributed to 3 statistics)
  • Rene Marczinzik (contributed to 211 statistics)
  • Jeremy L. Martin (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Kathrin Meier (contributed to 3 statistics)
  • Maria Monks (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Alejandro Morales (contributed to 10 statistics)
  • Joel Lewis, Alejandro Morales (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Lane Morrison (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Tilman Möller (contributed to 12 statistics and 7 maps)
  • Henri Mühle (contributed to 8 statistics)
  • Zachariah Neville (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Shahana Norton (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Brendan Pawlowski (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Oliver Pechenik (contributed to 1 statistic and 1 map)
  • Stephan Pfannerer (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Erika Pirnes (contributed to 9 statistics)
  • Viviane Pons (contributed to 18 statistics)
  • Amritanshu Prasad (contributed to 1 map)
  • Harry Richman (contributed to 6 statistics and 8 maps)
  • Manda Riehl (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Eric Rowland (contributed to 11 statistics)
  • Martin Rubey (contributed to 1486 statistics and 311 maps)
  • Kyle Ryan (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Franco Saliola (contributed to 5 statistics)
  • Ben Salisbury (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Raman Sanyal (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Ayushi Saxena (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Anne Schilling (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Travis Scrimshaw (contributed to 17 statistics)
  • Daniel Shira (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Jessica Striker (contributed to 50 statistics)
  • Christian Stump (contributed to 605 statistics and 85 maps)
  • Jair Taylor (contributed to 5 statistics)
  • Nicolas M. Thiéry (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • James Thorne (contributed to 3 statistics)
  • Henning Ulfarsson (contributed to 34 statistics)
  • Mirkó Visontai (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Veronica Waite (contributed to 3 statistics)
  • Michael Wallner (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Anna Weigandt (contributed to 1 map)
  • Susanne Wienand (contributed to 24 statistics)
  • Mark Wilson (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Cyrus Young (contributed to 1 map)
  • Jiang Zeng (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Camille Zerfas (contributed to 2 statistics)
  • Yan Zhuang (contributed to 1 statistic)
  • Mitchell Zubich (contributed to 1 statistic)

We thank Mike Hansen, Daniel Kapla, Viviane Pons, Franco Saliola, Travis Scrimshaw and Harald Schilly for technical contributions at various stages. FindStat is hosted at Ruhr-Universität Bochum and licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 licence. We use SageMath and several SageCells. Math expressions are typeset with MathJax. We thank Github for providing us with a free account.