search for individual values
searching the database for the individual values of this statistic
search for generating function
searching the database for statistics with the same generating function
The minimal number of edges to remove to make a graph triangle-free.
@cached_function def graph_of_graphs(n): """ sage: H = graph_of_graphs(4) sage: H.relabel(lambda g: tuple(g.edges(labels=False))) sage: """ lg1 = [(i, g.canonical_label().copy(immutable=True)) for i, g in enumerate(graphs(n))] lg2 = {g: i for i, g in lg1} lg1 = dict(lg1) H = Graph(len(lg1)) for g in lg2: h = g.copy(immutable=False) for e in g.edges(labels=False): h.delete_edge(e) g2 = h.copy().canonical_label().copy(immutable=true) H.add_edge([lg2[g], lg2[g2]]) h.add_edge(e) H.relabel(lambda i: lg1[i]) return H def statistic(g): mn = g.num_verts() G = graph_of_graphs(g.num_verts()) g = g.canonical_label().copy(immutable=True) for h in G.vertices(sort=False): if h.is_triangle_free(): mn = min(mn, G.shortest_path_length(g, h)) if mn == 0: return mn return mn
Jul 23, 2020 at 12:56 by Martin Rubey
Dec 23, 2020 at 11:54 by Martin Rubey
searching the database
Sorry, this statistic was not found in the database
add this statistic to the database – it's very simple and we need your support!