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The Schultz index of a connected graph.
This is
$$\sum_{\{u,v\}\subseteq V} (d(u)+d(v))d(u,v)$$
where $d(u)$ is the degree of vertex $u$ and $d(u,v)$ is the distance between vertices $u$ and $v$.
For trees on $n$ vertices, the Schultz index is related to the Wiener index via $S(T)=4W(T)-n(n-1)$ [2].
This is
$$\sum_{\{u,v\}\subseteq V} (d(u)+d(v))d(u,v)$$
where $d(u)$ is the degree of vertex $u$ and $d(u,v)$ is the distance between vertices $u$ and $v$.
For trees on $n$ vertices, the Schultz index is related to the Wiener index via $S(T)=4W(T)-n(n-1)$ [2].
[2] Klein, D. J., Mihalic, Z., Plavsic, D., Trinajstic, N. Molecular topological index: a relation with the Wiener index DOI:10.1021/ci00008a008
[2] Klein, D. J., Mihalic, Z., Plavsic, D., Trinajstic, N. Molecular topological index: a relation with the Wiener index DOI:10.1021/ci00008a008
def statistic(G): """ sage: all((statistic(G)==4*G.wiener_index()-n*(n-1)) for n in range(2,7) for G in graphs(n) if G.is_tree()) """ return sum((*G.distance(u, v) for (u,v) in Subsets(G.vertices(), 2))
Apr 07, 2016 at 16:29 by Martin Rubey
Apr 07, 2016 at 16:29 by Martin Rubey
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